Covid-19 and Stress

The Covid-19 crisis has changed our lives, and caused an immense amount of stress on all of us. These are scary times. As my work has shifted to doing online video conferencing sessions, it has been a challenging adjustment. I’ve noticed a pattern with my clients, where everybody is regressing to more emotionally reactive states. This is what stress does to us. It causes us to regress to lower states of functioning. If you find yourself fighting more with your partner or children, this is likely a direct result of the stress you are under.

Anyone with mental illness is at more risk right now. If you are bipolar disordered or prone to psychosis, make sure you take your medication. If you have a loved one with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, watch over them and make sure they are sleeping and taking their medication in a timely manner. These individuals are very vulnerable right now.

How can we deal better with stress? In general, I recommend eating healthy food, exercising regularly, and getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night. All of the above actions are crucial also for keeping your immune system functioning at a high level. This is especially important in the unfortunate event that you become infected with COVID-19. Your body needs all of its resources to fight off illness. This is where living a balanced life is crucial.

In addition to healthy eating, exercise and good sleep habits, I recommend mindfulness based meditation. For many of us, this crisis has led to more extreme levels of activity as we find ourselves constantly doing something as a way to mitigate our anxiety. Stop the activity, and allow yourself the experience of just being. If you want to learn more about meditation, I can teach you, or you can find apps for your phone or tablet.

Yours in health and wellness.
